Thursday, October 31, 2019
Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 8
Case study - Essay Example MDCM is in urgent need to take suitable steps for improving its IT setup to save the company from getting into continuous loss. The company has been suffering loss in the market in spite of all its steps and strategy designed for the customers and company’s benefit. The company shares its benefits and losses with the customers in order to form close relations with the customers. With the passage of time, the company has identified the importance of its global status. This paper evaluates the IT projects suitable for the company and presents recommendations for the MDCM Corporate Board. There was a large audit to find out the IT problems with the company in the past five years. This audit was very fruitful as it informed all the seniors about the IT issues with the company. They had some knowhow beforehand but the detailed audit informed them about the situation of the company in depth. According to the audit report, â€Å"MDCM’s IT services had been badly mismanaged†(Jeffery & Norton 2). IT was not working effectively because of this mismanagement. IT was neglected by the management of the company and also wrong investment decisions were taken related to IT due to which, IT suffered a lot and became a reason for giving loss to the company (Jeffery & Norton 2). A global setup for IT was required by the administration of the company. The audit also resulted in some positive outputs such as the customer relationship management (CRM) system and computer assisted design (CAD) system in branches of MDCM working successfully. IT budget was less as compared to its required amount for the upgrade of the company’s IT. There were many project initiatives which were regarded essential for the company’s IT success. Unifying methodology and technological standards was regarded necessary by Atkins and his team. By improving this project initiative, the administration hoped to adjust a sharing knowledge based network and also the future
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Sense of Casualness marking the 17th Century English Slave Trade Essay
The Sense of Casualness marking the 17th Century English Slave Trade - Essay Example The narrator comes out as a shrewd European trader, who on the one side is perturbed by the competitive tactics evinced by the traders from other European nations, and on the other side is harrowed by the long negotiations he had to manage with the African intermediaries, war-lords, and feudal headmen. The prime concern of the narrator is to secure young and strong African slaves at the right price and at the right time and one scarcely finds this account being marked by any emotional interjections or moral pangs on the part of the writer. The entire process presented in the narrative is astutely mattered of fact and business like. Thereby, the account presents a realistic picture of the systematic and extensive nature of the African slave trade, which comes out as being a well engrained economic activity in the coastal communities in Africa. The European slave traders certainly preferred to maintain amicable and cordial relations with the African feudal lords and the intermediaries appointed by them so as to assure the success and safety of their business operations. If one studies the given account in the light of the intellectual and moral progress registered by the 17th century Europe, one stands simply amazed and nonplussed at the fact that a civilization that tended to be the cradle of the best of thought and progress, happened to be so callous about trading in human beings, preferring to keeping the African slave trade bereft of any human or ethical considerations. ... The European traders traded in African slaves without giving in to any moral or ethical pangs, being more concerned about the fortunes to be accrued from the transatlantic demand for cheap manpower. The narrator comes out as a shrewd European trader, who on the one side is perturbed by the competitive tactics evinced by the traders from other European nations, and on the other side is harrowed by the long negotiations he had to manage with the African intermediaries, war lords and feudal headmen. The prime concern of the narrator is to secure young and strong African slaves at the right price and at the right time and one scarcely finds this account being marked by any emotional interjections or moral pangs on the part of the writer. The entire process presented in the narrative is astutely matter of fact and business like. Thereby, the account presents a realistic picture of the systematic and extensive nature of the African slave trade, which comes out as being a well engrained eco nomic activity in the coastal communities in Africa. The European slave traders certainly preferred to maintain amicable and cordial relations with the African feudal lords and the intermediaries appointed by them so as to assure the success and safety of their business operations. If one studies the given account in the light of the intellectual and moral progress registered by the 17th century Europe, one stands simply amazed and nonplussed at the fact that a civilization that tended to be the cradle of the best of thought and progress, happened to be so callous about trading in human beings, preferring to keeping the African slave trade bereft of any human or ethical considerations. In that sense one certainly finds a
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Expansion Strategy of Honda
Expansion Strategy of Honda 1.0 Introduction Honda was started by Soichiro Honda in the 40s after receiving his first contract with Toyota in manufacturing piston ring. Since in school, Soichiro Honda started developing piston ring in order to get a contract with Toyota. His determination had bring Honda into todays success, Fail for so many times, Soichiro Honda never give up and continue his dream and successfully get the contract with Toyota. Honda Motor Company produces not only cars as known generally but also produces track, motorbike, watercraft and those gasoline engines. Instead, Honda is the world largest engine manufacturer (Ronnie, 2009) Started in Japan, Honda expand into many other country using different kind of entry mode includes Foreign Direct investment, exporting, alliances and joint ventures. At first, around 1970s Honda enter into USA market by exporting the N600 which say to be the fastest at that time. In 1976, Honda continues expanding in USA by building car plant is Accord plant in Marysville. Today, Honda has total of three plant in Ohio where the other two is located at Alabama and South Carolina. (Ronnie, 2009) Honda is a successful automobile which is manufacturers lawnmowers, power equipment, motorcycles, and generators. Therefore, Honda has opened its doors to the franchising market. After Honda was franchising it market, Honda was continuous successful in automobile industry. With an establishing brand name of Honda, the franchisees can get the recognition from the customers. They can easily to the franchisees to start doing their business. The Honda franchisees are required to pay Honda franchise at least $250,000. As a return, Honda franchisees are able to list everything you need and want from the franchise deal before you sign the agreement. In addition, Honda franchise also has taken good care to the franchisees. They have provides 2 week training course for new franchise owners. This can able the new franchisees to learn how to operate the businesses. Besides that, Honda Franchise also has give the ongoing support for the franchise through internet and online support, regular visits, newsletters and meetings and so on. The Honda Franchisees can apply their owns concept to the business, but they need to discuss with the Honda franchise first before apply it. In 2010, Harley-Davidson and American Honda Motor Company were announced to be merger as one which is known as Honda-Davidson Motor Company. The merger happened when the American Honda Motor Company was completed purchase of 51% of Harley-Davidson stock. With the merger, Honda-Davidson Motor Company was promised to provide the most comprehensive line of Motorcycles to the customers. The combination of both companies will continue to providing the world with the highest quality motorcycles. Besides that, the new company also exploring the opportunities to provide additional models that combines the best of both former companies. Honda -Nowadays, Davidson Motor Company is the only major U.S.- based motorcycle manufacturer, produces heavyweight motorcycles and a complete line of motorcycles parts, accessories and general merchandise in united state. 2.0 Current Expansion Strategy Expansion strategy may here be referred to market entry strategy which is commonly used by companies to venture and expand their businesses to other country. Before penetrating to other countries market, companies must make sure that they have sufficient financial resources and the nature of the products or services must fit into culture group of that particular country. Having ranked for 3rd largest Japanese automobiles, Honda is able to expand it businesses across Asian countries such as Thailand, Taiwan, China, India and Indonesia.(How To Enter China, 2000) Knowing the importance of international trade, different entry mode strategies have been adopted by Honda in respond to different countries. In Malaysia, Honda has a joint venture company named Boon Siew Honda Sdn Bhd which formed 50/50 between Honda Motor Co. Ltd and Oriental Holdings Bhd. (Boon Siew Honda profile,2012) The joint venture agreement was formed in 2008 which means that Honda has expanded its businesses in Malaysia through joint venture. Aside of Boon Siew Honda Sdn Bhd which solely trades on motorcycles, Honda has expanded its automotive business through joint venture strategy. Currently, Honda Malaysia Sdn Bhd is a joint venture company formed by DRB-HICOM Bhd, Honda Motor Co. Ltd and Oriental Holdings Bhd. ( Honda Malaysia profile,2012) The main reason Honda to use joint venture strategy to expand its businesses in Malaysia is to diversify the business risks. Having said that, using joint venture strategy as an expansion strategy can reduce the risk of by forming coalition with other companies in host country. Besides that, Honda has also expanded its realm using foreign direct investment in Taiwan. A plant was built by Honda in Taiwan in 1961 prior to produce cars and has made Taiwan to become major producers of motorcycle for Honda. (How To Enter China, 2000) This allows the company to export most of the motorcycles to other countries such as China, Europe and Middle East. The main reason Honda to build its manufacturing plant in Taiwan is to reduce exports of motorcycles from Japan. Foreign direct investment has also benefited Honda in a sense that the company can have better control over the plant in Taiwan at the same time achieved economies of scale. In Thailand, Honda practiced foreign direct investment which has formed Asia Honda Motor Co. Ltd in 1964. (How To Enter China, 2000) The plant set up in Ayutthaya, Thailand aimed to produce motorcycles and export to Asian countries. In addition, Thailands plant has more production capacity which has contributed to major exports across Asia. Particularly in Thailand, Honda has obtained a market share more than 60%. This is because the Honda brand recognition in host country is high and this has led to local support for Honda. In China, the entry strategy proposed by Honda is somewhat unfamiliar to other countries. Honda has used equity joint venture strategy which has formed 2 joint venture companies named GuangZhou Honda Automobile Co. Ltd and Dongfeng Honda Engine Co. Ltd respectively. (How To Enter China, 2000) In the meantime, Honda has 50% of stake in each of these joint venture companies which has allowed Honda to have partial control over these two companies. In recent years, sales of Honda cars in China were terribly declined by 5 % compared to the time the company first entered China. The declining sale was caused by the high demand of low-cost cars produced in China. Another reason was due to the existing rivalries in China which consists of several big players such as Toyota, Nissan and Mercedes. Generally speaking, Honda is adopting low-risk expansion strategies in the first place to evaluate market respond of a particular country. After building up the brand recognition, the company will decide whether to expand further in that particular country. This can be seen when Honda formed a joint venture company in Malaysia to market its motorcycles to Malaysian. After assessing the profitability of the products, Honda started to sell luxury cars such as Honda City and Honda Civic. This could have helped Honda to reduce the risk of losing everything proposing a joint venture strategy in the first place. Foreign direct investment is used by Honda in Taiwan and Vietnam to increase the production of motorcycles and motorcars to increase exports. At the same time, increased production will help Honda to fulfill the demands of other importing countries. 3.0 Future Expansion Strategy As mention in the previous part of the assignment we can see Honda with extraordinary expansion strategy has allowed the company group to triumph in the highly competitive world market especially against domestic competitor. These expansion strategy though practical and effective are in some way lack of aggressive to compete with other automobile MNC (multinational corporation). Since Honda is originated from Japan we decided to compare Honda with its domestic competitor such as Nissan and Toyota. For decades Honda has been compete with Nissan and Toyota domestically and abroad, however till this day Honda still maintain the position of Number 3 right after Toyota the first and Nissan, second. This comparison allowing us to realize that the successfulness of Honda is still in behind this two multinational automobile giant. As such below we will provide some entry modes strategies for future expansion for Honda based on some global market that we have analyses. 3.1 South Korea: An overview Take Korea into consideration. Honda has already exporting cars to Korea for a decade and however the sales there are always below the profit margin until Honda are no longer expecting high returns on Korea market. In actual fact, not only Honda are doing unwell in S.Korea most Japanese MNC had a hard time penetrating S.Korea market due to war history between Korea and Japan to be the main reason why Korean are less relying on Japanese products. However based on our knowledge Korea is a very potential market, and Honda should use joint venture in Korea to triumph where other Japanese competitor failed. Why South Korea? There are some facts that indulge all investors in the world to invest in South Korea market. South Korea is the worlds largest democracy among the strongest emerging markets in all business field. Furthermore, it has liberalized economy with 300 million in the middle class bracket, with well matured financial and securities market and time-tested judicial systems. Apart from that, Seoul capital of South Korea is growing with enormous speed to compete with world most successful city including New York and London, financially. With the sound potential of the market, let us look at the action of the government of South Korea, firstly it is a WTO member committed to providing opportunity to the global market. The Korean Government is constantly undertaking reforms in every sector with Infrastructure Sector receiving Governments fullest attention, the S.Korea government also permits foreign investment virtually in every sector of the economy. Majority foreign equity, even up to 100 per cent in some sectors, is encouraged and special investment incentives are provided. In short South Korea is a potential Market that Honda should not overlook due to the points below, Large pool of educated land expertise of manpower in South Korea. Disposable income is continuously increasing with the economy growing at more than 8.5% p.a. Cities booming with world class integrated infrastructure. South Korea has potential to attract more than US $ 100 billion over next five years. Potential for creation of near 1 Million direct and indirect jobs each year. As for now that the certainty of South Korea was an expansion market. A suitable partner must be recognized in Korea to allow the joint venture to be successful. Our group varies in suggesting a partner but agreed that Asia motor is among the best to Joint Venture with Honda to create a Asia-Honda venture. We select Asia motor for a numerous reasons, first its engineering capability, Asia motor founded in 1965 is one of South Korea most highly reputable automobile industry focusing in medium and big sizes vehicle is the best partner for both Asia Motor and Honda to penetrate into a new market. Beside that, relevance and salience of Asia Motor brand is also one of the core reasons in selecting Asia Motor, furthermore its company distribution network as of since 1965 have been matured and controlling large traffic in sense of party needed in a successful network. Lastly the company also announces with well function internally such as low turnover rate. These points allowing us to believe that Asia-Honda ventures is going to turn out fine. As such we recommended Joint ventures in South Korea due to its potential and Honda future development. 3.2 Exporting Exporting is not a new term for Honda. In fact Honda had been an expert in exporting worldwide where any place u name it, as long as there is demand, shipment of Honda cars can directly send to your dealer or home in no time. Using exporting as main expansion strategy for Honda is a success for many decades, however they have always overlook what their competitors are doing. Toyota are using this expansion strategy as well an if Honda is an expert in exporting cars, Toyota is a grandmaster. When we suggest export as Honda future expansion strategy we realizes the fact that Honda are doing it now, good, but not good enough. In this case we suggest that Honda uses this expansion strategy, exporting in a whole new market penetration rather than the traditional car/motor vehicle market. We suggest aircraft market penetration worldwide. If we look at Honda current research on car, we will discover that Honda had a very success researched on hybrid and fuel efficient engine currently focusing on cars and motor vehicle, In fact, Honda GX NGV is termed as the cleanest car on earth as far as centralized agitation engines are concerned, apply that to an aircraft and we have a whole new level of airplane. Competition in the aircraft industries are High, dominated mostly by Boeing and follow up by airbus it will never be easy as it suggest in the report, but chances are there to expand worldwide in a whole new categories of market. Suggesting in exporting in aircraft is not bold for Honda there has been a history for Honda in aircraft development since the 80s. According to the data we acquired on the internet and book research, Honda had been study small sized business jets in the since 1980s, using engines from other manufacturers. The Honda MH02 was fabricated and assembled at Mississippi State Universitys Raspet Flight Research Laboratory in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The MH02 was a prototype using composites with an organic matrix. Since that a prototype of Honda Jet had been on the development. The Honda Jet made its maiden flight in December 2003. It debuted to the public at the EAA Air Venture air show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in July 2005. On July 25, 2006, Honda returned to Oshkosh to announce it would commercialize the Honda Jet. Honda established the Honda Aircraft Company to seek both type and production certification of the Honda Jet. Production is to take place in the United States. The company estimated the sales would be around 70 to 100 per annum. The certification of aircraft (FAA) is expected to follow around August 2011. Delivery of the first plane is planned for the third quarter of 2012. In recent event, the Viking pioneers had been using Honda aircraft engine as their Viking aircraft engine and it had been a huge success and it is considerable that a Viking aircraft engine is the only modern and reasonably priced aircraft engine available today. Honda has reach a stagnant growth in cars and automobile manufacture worldwide. If Honda start exporting aircraft as their new expansion strategy it might became one of the competitor for Boeing and triumph in a whole new market level. 3.3 Strategic Alliance Honda should apply strategy alliance as its future expansion strategy to enter the new market. Through strategy alliance, all the automobile company can work together to achieve same goal by using the least resources as they share the resources, information, capabilities and risks to achieve it. One of the successful examples by using strategy alliance is Yahoo and Sina. They teamed up together to offer auction service in China. This partnership will leverage both companies respective users bases as Sina has 83million registered users while Yahoos expertise and technology to support the auction platform. Therefore, Honda need apply strategy alliance with others automobile company such as Nissan, Toyota, Mercedes-Benz and others. Through this, Honda and others automobile company can share their technique knowledge to resolving the specific problem or avoiding the basic mistake, develop a better function of car, design of car which better than before. For examples, Honda recalling over 172,000 vehicles because of door latch issue during July, 2012. Furthermore, Honda also can use the strategy alliance to institute of technology campus or college, so that Honda might not face lack of labor force problem in future. Honda can recruit the potential student as their technician after they graduate directly. It might not let the potential technician employ by others automobile company if Honda has the opportunities to do so such as having contract to the potential students by providing scholarship to them. Besides, institute of technology campus or college can provide the specific program which require by Honda to train the student so that student is more familiar to Honda company job scope after they graduate. One of the examples is HP is partnership with UoPeople (university of the people), which provides UoPeople students the opportunity to apply for internship to work with the HP Catalyst Initiative. 4.0 Conclusion Globalization is a compulsory for every company in order to be able to stay competitive in the market. Those without it can be easily kicked out from the market. Every bank in the world is somehow connected even though they are from different company. Two different companies with different culture can merger in order to gain win-win profit. This is why globalization is important. Honda is also the same. In order to improve the Research and Development for cars in China, Honda has joint venture with GS Yuasa Formalize Li-Ion. Successful expansion had make the success of Honda today. Every country has its own culture and government rules. Different approaches might be useful to one and not to the other. hence, it is important to research on the specific country before using different expansion strategies into the country.To conclude, sometimes different cultures, different norms and different rules and regulation might result in conflict. However, foreign market is much more beneficial to invest in compare to the local market. Is tougher, and more challenger but more profitable.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Date Rape :: essays research papers
Date Rape In an ideal world, all men would be caring , respectful, and protective. This is not an ideal world; every woman has a responsibility to herself and to understand the risks and to protect herself fagainst them (Date Rape: The Danger is Not From a Stranger 13). One of the biggest risks from a male to a female is date rape. Date rape is the crime in which the victim, most of them women, is forced in to having sexual intercourse by someone they are familiar with (1). 1 in 4 women will be raped in their life time. This is a very scary, yet true statistic. Women need to understand what is going on with the situation of date rape, and be looked on less as the problem, so more women will come out and report the incident. It is not in any way the woman's fault for being the victim of date rape, but it is the fault of the rapist, and the rapist should pay the consequences. The question might come up...why would a man force a woman to have sex, or why would a woman doubt that it happened, or that she was forced? Well, there are many reasons. A lot of these reasons having to do with how American kids are raised. Boys are brought up thinking they are strong and aggressive, while on the other hand, girls are brought up being passive and "what you say goes" (Shuker-Haines and Stark 23) . This shouldn't be going on in our society...not with the advancements we have made in our country. It is sometimes said that the woman who was the victim of rape shared fault for the rape for wearing a skirt too short, or maybe if she stops over at his house. It shouldn't matter what women wear, or where they are. If a woman says no to sexual activity, then everything should stop. There are also ways that men "mis-interperate" things women say. For instance, when women say "no", they mean "not yet...keep trying", or men think it is okay to be rough, as long as there is no injury, or if the women agrees to kidding, necking, etc...then she wants intercourse. Some men also look at women as "fair game" if the woman is not a virgin. There seems to also be confusion whether rape was commited in instances like when a sexually active couple had been drinking and the woman says no to having sex, but is too drunk to do anything so sex occurs. Date Rape :: essays research papers Date Rape In an ideal world, all men would be caring , respectful, and protective. This is not an ideal world; every woman has a responsibility to herself and to understand the risks and to protect herself fagainst them (Date Rape: The Danger is Not From a Stranger 13). One of the biggest risks from a male to a female is date rape. Date rape is the crime in which the victim, most of them women, is forced in to having sexual intercourse by someone they are familiar with (1). 1 in 4 women will be raped in their life time. This is a very scary, yet true statistic. Women need to understand what is going on with the situation of date rape, and be looked on less as the problem, so more women will come out and report the incident. It is not in any way the woman's fault for being the victim of date rape, but it is the fault of the rapist, and the rapist should pay the consequences. The question might come up...why would a man force a woman to have sex, or why would a woman doubt that it happened, or that she was forced? Well, there are many reasons. A lot of these reasons having to do with how American kids are raised. Boys are brought up thinking they are strong and aggressive, while on the other hand, girls are brought up being passive and "what you say goes" (Shuker-Haines and Stark 23) . This shouldn't be going on in our society...not with the advancements we have made in our country. It is sometimes said that the woman who was the victim of rape shared fault for the rape for wearing a skirt too short, or maybe if she stops over at his house. It shouldn't matter what women wear, or where they are. If a woman says no to sexual activity, then everything should stop. There are also ways that men "mis-interperate" things women say. For instance, when women say "no", they mean "not yet...keep trying", or men think it is okay to be rough, as long as there is no injury, or if the women agrees to kidding, necking, etc...then she wants intercourse. Some men also look at women as "fair game" if the woman is not a virgin. There seems to also be confusion whether rape was commited in instances like when a sexually active couple had been drinking and the woman says no to having sex, but is too drunk to do anything so sex occurs.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
My First Car
Certain things in life usually form part of an individual memoir. Every one has them and usually one of the first things that is unforgettable or at least should be made memorable is your first car. My first car is not just a first car at that; it has been part of my history. My first car was a Chevrolet Impala 1965, with 2 doors 4 speed metallic blue. The 1965 Chevy impala is a stylish that is many to most people. From its strength, reliability, coupled with fuel efficiency and its powerful performance as a car. When you sample this you would probably begin to understand why most people and I probably rank first in that list scrambles for the Chevy Impala .model. Manufactured by general motors and one of the most successful automobile nameplate in the united, Chevrolet Impala car be described as full-sized built automobile. One of the features that I admired the most about this model was the aspect of fuel economy, like for any other consumer no one wants to buy an automobile that would be consuming more gasoline that you are ready to part with. It is supped with such features as the 3.5l v-6 Flexfuel that would cut down on your expenditure on gasoline and at the same it can run on ethanol or both. The Chevy impala is definitely one of the longest running as well as the best known names both in the underworld and the mainstream motor industry. This model has a dramatic, yet clandestine design. It is a longer and lower impala model with a carved. It is also design with a rounded body style with such features as spit grill in built with argent colored lower valence panels as well as a slim wheel opening trim. I believe there has never been a better model than this from general motors or to be specific from the Chevrolet impala series powered with a 396 cid engine with 425 hp, there was no can first that could match my taste for the kind of powerful performance that I so wanted. I needed something that would be affordable, fuel efficient, powerful, sporty as well as classy and at the same time provided me with the kind of comfort that would be the envy of my peers. With its 2 door and the chance to make it a convertible you would wonder why someone would opt for something else. The four speech function makes it almost unbeatable. Considering my age, I would want something that would put me above my friends.  I would want to always be in front and never to be the one trailing. The powerful 425 hp and the speech limit of the 1965 Chevy impala model first offers me the best chance to be lease at par on the road with any friends. At my age the last thing I would want to buy and own a master classic something that is respected, with rich history, but at the same time still manages to be impressive in the contemporary society and would still be appealing to most of the people of my generation. The automobile should be something I would want to keep for the rest of my life as souvenir. With the amount of money that I have saved end I would want to make a real investment. With about $ 15,000 you certainly would think you might not be able to get the best burgains in the market. Any how when I talked to some of my friends and remembered some of the movies that I have watched, there was no better model to buy than the 1965 Chevrolet Impala. Reference: 1965 Chevrolet Impala Super sport. Retrieved on 10/10/2007 Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Focus paper: Teenage pregnancy Essay
There are many issues that are arising in the United States. These issues seem to catch media attention but they are publicized so much that teens believe it is all in fun. They don’t understand that doing drugs does not lead to fun partying. Becoming a dealer is not a quick way to cash it’s a quick way to death. Committing suicide does not make everything easier. The only person you took the pain away from was yourself. The media captures all these fun moments that people do with only a little bit of the bad. Teenager’s girls see all these other girls on T.V raising a baby and they think â€Å"hey I can do that.†Then reality kicks in and it is nothing like how it was on T.V. There are many issues among teens in the United States, but the focus on this paper is going to be following teenage pregnancy. In today’s society when someone hears that a young girl is pregnant they automatically think she was sleeping around. People jump to the conclusions and they don’t take time to realize there are many other causes for teenage pregnancy than the girl sleeping around. The reality of it is there are actually five major causes to teenage pregnancy. Peer pressure, underage drinking, glamorizing teen pregnancy, lack of knowledge and sexual rape are the five major causes of teenage pregnancy. Peer pressure is a cause for almost anything involving teenagers; whether it be for drugs, drinking or sex. Teenagers often feel pressure to make friends and fit in. Many times these teens let their friends influence their decision to have sex even when they do not fully understand the consequences. Teenagers have sex as a way to appear cool and to fit in, but in some cases the end result is an unplanned teen pregnancy. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation states that more than 29 per cent of pregnant teens reported that they felt pressured to have sex, and 33 percent of pregnant teens stated that they felt that they were not ready for a sexual relationship, but proceeded anyway. When peer pressure is involved to have sex that usually means that drinking is involved as well. Underage drinking is another cause that leads to teenage pregnancy. Teen drinking can cause an unexpected pregnancy, according to the website Love to Know. Many teens experiment with drugs and alcohol. Drinking lowers a teen’s ability to control her impulses, contributing to 75 percent of pregnancies that occur between the ages 14 and 21. Approximately 91 percent of pregnant teens reported that although they were drinking at the time, they did not originally plan to have sex when they conceived. Peer pressure and underage drinking go hand in hand with teenage pregnancies. One leads to another which causes an unexpected pregnancy. Out of the other three causes glamorizing teenage pregnancy and lack of knowledge also go together. The movie industry and the media contribute to teenage pregnancy by glamorizing teen pregnancy in movies. Movies that show teen pregnancy as something to be desired encourage teens to engage in reckless sexual activity, according to ABC’s â€Å"Good Morning America.†During adolescence, teens become more focused on their appearance and how people view them. Teens see on T.V that there same age are having cute little babies so they go out and have sex without being fully educated in what that really is. Teenagers who are uneducated about sex are more likely to have an unintended pregnancy. Some teens do not fully understand the biological and emotional aspects associated with having sex, according to Many times, teens do not have the knowledge needed to make informed and responsible decisions abo ut whether or not to engage in sexual activity that can alter their life. Social media is not helping teenage pregnancy it is only causing young girls to go out and try it. The last and final cause for teenage pregnancy is rape. Teens can become pregnant as a result of sexual abuse or rape. The Guttmacher Institute states that between 43 and 62 percent of teens acknowledge that they were impregnated by an adult male, and two-thirds report that their babies’ fathers are as old as 27. Approximately 5 percent of all teen births are the result of a rape. People in society need to realize that teenage pregnancy is a big issue today. Many of these young girls don’t finish high school. Teen pregnancy greatly affects education. Only 51% of teen moms have a high school diploma. The number for those who didn’t have a teen birth is closer to 89%. Parenthood is the leading cause for teen girls dropping out of school. Teen moms are extremely unlikely to go to college. Only about 2% of young teen moms ever get a higher education degree. Statistics show that In the United States, there are nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies each year, that’s about 2000 a day! . It’s estimated that about half of Latina and African American teenagers will be pregnant a t least once before they’re 20.Raising a baby can cost up to $10,000 in the first year alone. About 80% of teen fathers don’t marry the mom. They also contribute very little to raising the baby. On average, teen dads pay less than $800 a year on child support. Teenage pregnancy is an issue just like drug use and alcohol abuse that needs to be looked into. There is no way to stop teenage pregnancy. Talking to teens about it is not going to stop them when they are at a party and alcohol is involved. Instead contraception’s should be provided in public bathrooms, schools and encouraged to be available at home. Many believe that providing protection in schools will only encourage teens to have sex. Reality is they are going to have it whether there is protection or not, so why not provide them the right choice of using protection. Maybe if protection is provided there will be less unexpected pregnancies in the United States.
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